Pagan god and goddess candle holders

Wiccan deity statues

with candle holders

Handmade pagan deity couple with candle holders is a perfect decoration for a witch altar. Carved by hand from wood, these Wicca gods can bring magic atmosphere to any space.

Variations of Wiccan god and goddess statues

There are dark and light versions for the candle holders:

  • dark version figurine will be covered with woodstain and protective varnish;
  • light version figurine will be covered with special oil and thin layer of matte varnish.

And also Mother goddess figure and Cernunnos figure can be ordered separately.

Candle holder size

– Height of goddess 13 cm (~5.1 in),
– Height of god 15 cm (~5.9 in)
– Width 4.5 cm (~1.8 in),
– Length of the candle holder ~9 cm (~3.5 in)
– Inner diameter of candle holder 4 cm (~1.5 in)


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All variations of wicca gods and goddesses with candles


Beige Mother goddess and Cernunnos candle holders


Beige Mother goddess with candle holder


Biege horned god with candle holder


Brown Mother goddess and Cernunnos candle holders


Brown Mother goddess candle holder


Brown horned god candle holder


Four pagan deity candle holders without candles



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